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          您的位置: 首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > 石材養(yǎng)護 > 粘膠 > 比利牌修補封蠟
          宗藝石材 靈壽縣靈碩石材廠 湖北省日興石材 有限公司 Lg 1


          • 原產(chǎn)地:意大利
          • 規(guī)格:800x800x20mm
          • 類型:石材養(yǎng)護 - 粘膠
          • 最小訂單量:
          • 供應(yīng)能力:
          • 發(fā)布時間:2011-05-19 10:11:45
          關(guān)于 比利牌修補封蠟 的詳細介紹:





            SIGIL-FIX Sealer

            This product has been specially formulated for sealing damaged material for strengthening soft stone or sandstone. It revives colour, and once applied, prevents further damage by compacting the materials. Only for large surfaces: SIGIL-FIX provides a basis for the application of other treatments. Dilute in one fourth water when you use it. The quantity of use: One LT can be used for polishing20-30㎡of materials.



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